Dr. Muhammad Azizul Hoque

Dr. Muhammad Azizul Hoque

Dr. Muhammad Azizul Hoque
Dr. Muhammad Azizul Hoque
PhD in English Studies (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia)
MA in English Language Teaching (ELT), IML, University of Dhaka (DU)
BA Hons & MA in English Language & Literature (ELL), IIUC
Associate Professor
English Language and Literature
Mobile: 01818146370
mazizhoque@yahoo.com, azizul.hoque@iiuc.ac.bd


Muhammad Azizul Hoque currently working at the Department of English Language & Literature, International Islamic University Chittagong, focuses his teaching attention on linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology of language learning, English for Professional Purposes, ELT, Spoken English and Phonetics, Basic Writing English romantic poetry, English for Professional Purposes, and 17th century Literature. In addition to teaching experience, he has worked as a Research Fellow at Centre for Research and Publication (CRP), IIUC. Currently he is serving an expert/ contract linguist for Rohingya/Chittagonian/Bangla at the Federal Department of Justice and Police, the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) in Switzerland. He has also experience in journal editing and reviewing. Currently, he works as an Associate Editor for Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Legal Studies and is serving on the review committee at Darul Irfan Research Institute and Darul Irfan Research Journal in Bangladesh. Additionally, he is a reviewer for Journal of Bangladesh Studies in the USA and Research Result Theoretical and Applied Linguistics in Russia. Furthermore, he has contributed as a reviewer for Crossings A Journal of English Studies at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh.

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=aNew4ygAAAAJ

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Muhammad-Hoque-8

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5932-1269

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=58253907700

Web of Science: https://

1. Introduction to Linguistics
2. Sociolinguistics
3. Business English/English for Professional Purposes
4. Spoken English and Phonetics
5. Basic Writing
6. Introduction to ELT
7. 17th century Literature
8. Introduction to Research Methodology